About Our 12 -24 Hour Services
We provide caregivers and Personal Support Workers who deliver non-medical services which include companionship, homemaking (laundry, meal preparation, light housekeeping), transportation, medication reminding, mobility assistance, and personal care (showers, toileting). If medical help is required, we can also provide RPNs.
Although we provide staff for shifts as short as 4 hours, our focus is 12-24 hour and live-in care. This longer shift work requires more experienced staff whose home situations make them available for these long hours, freeing them up for the commitment required to ensure constant client coverage. Providing longer shifts also allows us to offer staff enough hours so that they remain loyal to the firm – they don’t need private clients or to work with other firms to earn a reasonable living. As a result of our full-time care focus, we know our staff very well as many have worked with us for several years.
Importantly, these longer shifts allow for our staff to track the changes in client needs more thoroughly. As well, having full time clients allows us to form more comprehensive relationships with our clients and their families who we also work closely with. I, as owner, oversee all client relationships and am available 24/7. We limit the number of 12-24 hour clients to 25 at any given time to ensure we maintain our standards.
We Have 4 Types of 12-24 Hour Shifts:
1. PSW Awake Shift: when significant overnight needs exist, 24 hour care becomes 2 x 12 hour shifts. The overnight person stays awake all night and close by. We can also provide 8-12 hour day shifts without overnights, or 10-12 hour overnight awake shifts without a day shift, if that is all that is required.
2. PSW 24 Hour Wake Up Shift: a PSW who sleeps in the client’s home and is prepared to be awoken once a night. These wakes up should be predictable to ensure that the staff can go back to sleep without having to worry about getting up again. Staff who don’t get a proper night sleep will not be able to provide the most diligent care the next say. This tends to work best with a client with mobility issues but no cognitive issues.
3. PSW 24 Hour Sleep Shift: a PSW, managing most household needs, sleeps overnight without expected wake ups, and helps with personal care, mobility and cognitive issues.
4. Caregiver 24 Hour Sleep Shift: a caregiver, managing most household needs, sleeps overnight without expected wake ups, providing more than anything else, peace of mind. They shouldn’t help with personal care, mobility or cognitive issues.
In the case of providing care for couples, where one individual cannot be left alone and the other has independent needs, or where an individual requires 2 people for a safe transfer in/out of bed or for personal care, 2 caregivers or PSWs may be required at the same time.
We also have an extensive client on-boarding process for when the client does not have family who can make decisions or provide back up for caregivers if needed. In these cases, additional planning is necessary to respond to issues the clients can’t decide on themselves.